Beauty Interview with Juliette Bosramier: “Beauty is an exchange, there is what we receive and what we provoke”
Juliette Bosramier is a sophrologist and hypnotherapist in Paris. She helps her patients every day to achieve their goals and to free themselves from their emotions. In this interview she shares with us her vision of Beauty and how she brings it to the world through her passion.
Can you tell us about the last time Beauty helped you or healed you?
I think that Beauty is in the transparency one has with oneself. I think that there are little moments of Beauty, little details that make a day beautiful. There are also ‘big moments’, but which we perhaps live a little more rarely, and fortunately, otherwise we wouldn’t really know how to define what a real great moment of Beauty is.
I lived this morning, what I call a little moment of Beauty. I was with my daughter, we were both up very early. I find it quite magical how a child is able to take a lot of energy from you but also to give you a lot of energy. We were both staring at the window of our apartment. Since we live on the 6th floor, we have a very clear view on the whole city. There was a very special light, a yellow light with a much darker gradation that tended towards gray. It was really pretty because it looked like a ray of sunshine that lit just a part of this city, as if it had chosen that specific part, to highlight it. It was incredible to see this play of light moving, gradually coming to us, to hold this little one close to me, with whom I have such a strong bond, such an overwhelming love, and to share this moment together in the very early morning , when the city is still asleep. Sharing this intimate moment, with someone you love so much, this is as small moment of Beauty that offers great emotions.
How do you bring Beauty to the world?
I think it’s a great question because I think that’s precisely why I chose to do this job. I have the deep feeling that the people who come and see me, come out from a session with the feeling that they have evolved, and that is a real satisfaction. To invest as much time and effort in what I do, to love what I do as much, and that to really bring something to my patients. For me, Beauty is in the exchange: what we give to the other and what we receive from the other, this intimate, simple and pure exchange, will allow both people to feel better. That’s why people come to see me and why I chose to do this job, for this exchange that I find beautiful.
Do you believe that Beauty will save us? How?
I absolutely do! I often tell my husband that one has to concentrate on one beautiful thing per day. It can be a light, a color, a smell, two people talking together, a little girl playing with a dog… Small everyday things that, for many people who are stressed and turned in on themselves, wouldn’t be much, but in the end, if we manage to capture these small everyday details and absorb them up, it will be enlightening.
I believe that Beauty can save us. It’s really a question of becoming aware of it, not believing that it is completely absolute, it is the Beauty of the details, of the perception that we have of those small details. I am convinced that we can change the world if everyone has a small Beauty intention. Everyone has a different notion of what Beauty is and everyone, by giving the best of themselves, can bring Beauty to the world.
If I say Beauty, what do you think of?
I have an example that comes straight to my mind, because I see it almost every day at work. People who come to see me are often stressed, anxious, very disconnected with themselves, very emotionally detached. During the first session, I offer them a discovery visualization, that is to say, they start by laying down in the sofa and begin to go back to a modified state of consciousness. When they come back to an awakened state of consciousness, that is to say, this transition phase when they come back to themselves and become aware of everything around them again, it is a bit like going on a long introspective journey. They often tell me that they are amazed to have been able to let go, surprised, and it’s incredible to see that, in a split second, there is already something that changed in my patients’. It’s a really magical feeling.
Do you remember the first thing that amazed you as a child?
I must have been, maybe seven or eight years old, and it was pouring rain outside. I was with my family, at home, and my mother said to me quite spontaneously “Put on your coat, we’re going out.” I think I didn’t even have time to put on my coat that we both went out. We stood in front of the window, at the bottom of the building, and we waved so that my brother and my father could see us. We were caught in the pouring rain, we were soaked to the bone and we danced in the rain, it was a magical moment because we were facing the elements. It’s a time when, normally, we shouldn’t be outside, we should have the appropriate clothing and there it was absolutely not the case, so there was a real gap between what the climate imposed on us and us, like little mice, completely vulnerable to the unleashed elements. I found it very beautiful, to go against this framework that is imposed to us and to live the moment, emotionally and physically. It was for me an unforgettable moment and I keep a very deep memory of it.
Where does Beauty hide? Can it be found in the most ordinary things?
I have the feeling that there are many kinds of Beauty. There is obviously the everyday Beauty, the Beauty of what surrounds us, of what nature has to offer us, of what other people have to offer us, of what the relationship with the other, of what art, what music, what our everyday life can bring us, and then there is also what we want to do with Beauty. We may want to mark certain moments of our lives, to create great moments of Beauty by bringing together the people we love, by committing ourselves to a cause. There is what we receive and what we provoke. What we receive is the Beauty of everyday small details of life, what we provoke can be great moments of Beauty. Because, in the end, Beauty is an exchange.
What is your motto or philosophy in life to make you feel beautiful and fulfilled?
I would say it’s this phrase that comes to my mind quite often: “Try to be the best version of yourself”. It’s a daily exercise that takes a lot of time, but in the end, it leads one to have no regrets. There is nothing more terrible than having regrets for not having done certain things that you wanted to do and, when you are the best version of yourself, you give the best of yourself every day, that’s what true Beauty is.
What feeling does Beauty arouse in you? Could you describe it?
What I like above all are people who show their feelings. I find that emotion is beautiful because it is a treasure that many try to bury deep inside themselves, so that they don’t necessarily feel anything anymore, for fear of appearing to someone fragile. On the contrary, the person who is going to be completely in harmony with what they feel and who is going to allow the body to manifest this emotion, such as crying when one sees Beauty, for example, is being in harmony with what we feel. I find that Beauty is in this form of transparency with oneself, this form of total uncontrol. It’s a way of finally showing who we truly are.