Learning the Way of the Flower; The purple Lilac, the Crown Chakra 

Symbol of renewal

The purple Lilac has a subtle yet very profound resonance, it evokes the Sahasrara, the crown Chakra. The seventh chakra, the one that sits on top of our beautiful heads and is a bridge to the higher conscious and infinite realms. The Lilac is a blossom that arrives with the first signs of Spring, it a symbol or new life, after the Winter days, it is a sign towards transformation and a new sense of tranquility and light after the shadows of the colder months.  

When you see a Lilac tree, it is strong, sturdy, and has a force within its character, and yet the flowers that come from this firm withstanding tree are small, delicate, whimsical, and playful. This dichotomy reflects the lower earthy chakras that must be grounded and strong to support a flourishing and expansive crown, one that can be like the stars sparkling and playing at night.  

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)Syringa comes from Ancient Greek word ‘syrinx’ meaning “pipe” or “tube” and refers to the hollow branches of S. vulgaris. This characteristic of being hollow, is within us, we are a constant flow and exchange of energy and to have a clear connection with the Source (whatever that maybe to you) we need to be fluid and open to receive. The Lilac is just that a conduit of life source energy that flows all around and within us.  

Lilacs poetry


A wealth of lilacs have I here, 
Their mystic whispers stir my ear. 
Their lovely fragrance fills my heart, 
As memories their blooms impart.
When I was but a little child, 

A lilac bush, untrimmed and wild, 
Delighted me with joy untold, 
Where shone the sun of purest gold, 
I pulled the clustered lilac spray
And breathed their fragrance of the day. 

One morning time a lilac hue 
Slipped softly o’er the sea of blue. 
It seemed that souls of lilacs gone 
Had stolen back to rule the dawn.
Fair lilacs of my thousand dreams, 

My heart amid you thrills and teems 
With thoughts and hopes of life to be 
That seeks to win the soul of me. 

By Helen E. Maring 

Next time, you see a purple Lilac, smell it, feel it, touch it and allow the beauty of this flower to consume you and uplift you to the sky energy and the loving realms of the grandeur of life.  

Activating Self Expression – A Series of Ceremonies and Alignment Guides from UMA GAIA

5 ways series : Protecting Your Energy

5 Ways Series: Carving Out More ‘Time & Space’ for You