Nadège Quinssac
Passionate about mythology and divinities
Her story...
Nadège Quinssac is a teacher who is passionate about mythology and divinities.
With a background in Ancient Letters, she has been teaching French, Latin and Greek since 1999. She transmits her passion to her students by binding Antiquity and Modernity in order to show them the richness of these precious treasures.
During Spring 2020, she enrolled in the “13 Moons School”, created by another of our Beauty Activists, Alexandra Fryda Marty founder of Moonsistersparis, and brought her knowledge about how Divinities and female Archetypes are linked.
One thing leading to another, the idea of creating a space dedicated to Mythology and Ancient Culture was born to underline all the links between Antiquity and our daily life, with the seasons, Astrology and the Archetypes. Thus, she created the account and podcast @au_au_jardin_d_hesperis in October 2020. She proposes storytelling journeys intertwining Mythology, Astrology, Archetypes and Seasons.
She joins today our Beauty Activist team to offer us a monthly rendez-vous : “Meet with divinities” in which she will tell us about the treasures of Antiquity and their link with our daily lives and Alexandra’s archetypes.
The last articles of the author
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