Anti-blemish skincare routine

More and more people, regardless of age or skin type, are suffering from blemishes. Reactive skin, harsh cosmetic products and an unhealthy lifestyle are among the main causes. If you’re looking for a natural skincare routine to help prevent spots from appearing on your face and banish existing blemishes, look no further…

Factors that cause spots

Our modern lifestyles and environment often prevent the skin from functioning in a natural, balanced way. It reacts to bad lifestyle habits, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and hydration, and, of course, hormonal changes. Plus, if you live in an urban environment, your skin probably reacts to pollution too! If you use unsuitable beauty products or don’t stick to a regular skincare routine, that won’t help either… All these factors can lead to blemishes and skin problems that you would rather avoid: blackheads, spots, acne, excess sebum, etc. You can try to remedy these issues in order to improve your skin’s quality, but it’s also important to know which beauty products and techniques are right for your skin – and what you should avoid at all costs! With a little help from Absolution, you can look forward to clearer skin and say goodbye to blemishes!


Bad beauty habits that make your skin problems worse!

Many people who suffer from blemishes spend a lot of time looking for solutions to get their skin back to the way it was before. This often means using ranges designed for acne-prone skin, with three-step routines: cleanse, purify and moisturize. However, if you take a closer look at the type of products recommended, as well as the ingredients they contain, you’ll often find that they’re not tailored to the real needs of problem skin.

When it comes to cleansing, there are exfoliants, micellar waters, cleansing gels and soap-free cleansing bars that promise to purify the skin, rid it of impurities and, in doing so, clear away blemishes. But pay attention to what’s inside these products, how many you use, and how often you use them! In many cases, they’re actually quite harsh on the skin and strip it of its natural protection: sebum. And this is when reactive seborrhea can occur. The skin tries to compensate for the lack of sebum by opening up its pores to produce even more… And then the situation just gets even worse! The sebaceous glands secrete more sebum and suddenly the skin becomes shiny and spotty. So look out for harsh, skin-stripping cleansers and bad techniques if you want to avoid this vicious circle! The more you “mess about” with your skin, the worse it may get. The next thing you need to focus on – and this is particularly important when your skin suffers from blemishes – is purifying. Easy to say, but what exactly should you be using to purify your skin? Most purifying products are made with harsh ingredients that can dry out the skin, such as fruit acids (which have a slight exfoliating effect), alcohol, etc. And guess how the skin reacts?

Your skin needs to be moisturized too – and here again, it’s crucial that you choose the right products. Conventional skin creams are full of petrochemical ingredients and often contain silicones, which suffocate the skin and prevent it from regulating itself naturally. The result? Dilated pores and blemishes, again! If you feel that your skin is tired of products that just aren’t right for it, it’s time to stop using them. Give your skin some intensive care for a month, so it can regenerate and learn how to function naturally again. Then start using the right cosmetic products – ones that are really and truly suitable for blemish-prone skin.

An anti-blemish skincare routine to keep spots away!

By now, you’ve probably understood that the ideal anti-blemish routine is all about being gentle and kind. If you have a few spots and you don’t want any more to appear, follow these simple steps to help keep your skin balanced and clear.

1. Cleanse – gently!

In the morning, begin by gently cleansing your skin with a mild, organic cleanser that purifies and regulates. This will remove any dead cells and traces of sebum that have built up overnight, which could block pores and dull the complexion. Our Le Nettoyant Pureté is perfect for this. Ideal for combination and oily, blemish-prone skin, it cleanses while gently restoring skin’s balance. This formula contains White Willow bark, which is known to stimulate skin cell renewal, smooth the skin and help control blemishes, thanks to its exfoliating and antibacterial properties. It also contains Roman Chamomile, with astringent and calming benefits.

Le Nettoyant Pureté

29 €
Sulfate-free face gel cleanser
4.8 291 reviews

You could also use Le Savon Noir, preferably on the back and décolleté – two other areas where blemishes often appear. This organic soap bar works to purify and balance the skin with natural active ingredients:

  •        Tea tree essential oil, with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, to help keep impurities away,
  •        Activated charcoal, which purifies and detoxifies the skin without damaging its hydrolipidic film,
  •        Propolis – a potent purifying ingredient that stimulates skin regeneration.  

Apply the soap to wet skin and gently rub over your body with circular movements. Leave on for a few seconds, then rinse thoroughly with water.

And how about using the Konjac Sponge? This small, plant-based sponge deeply and gently cleanses the skin. Moisten the sponge, then use it to massage your face. It leaves skin clean and stimulated, and helps to tighten pores. You can use it on its own, or with Le Nettoyant Pureté or Le Savon Noir.

2. Purify – without drying!

Once your skin is clean, it’s time to apply some products tailored to its needs: purify, control sebum production and tighten pores. At Absolution, we have an amazing product that does just the trick! We don’t like to boast – we’ll let you judge for yourselves – but Le Booster Pureté is impressively effective! This organic serum works to purify, regulate, and diminish imperfections without drying the skin… in just one or two days! And it’s all thanks to a high concentration of natural active ingredients (Aloe Vera, purifying Arrabidaea Chica to rid skin of unsightly blemishes, deep-cleansing Propolis, soothing Licorice, etc.).

If your skin is really playing up, try La Cure Peau Nette. It’s made with a blend of organic ingredients, including Tulsi (detoxifies and mattifies), Chaulmoogra (soothes and evens out skin tone) and Micronized Silver (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory), which work together in synergy to restore balance to blemish-prone skin. Over a period of two weeks, this intensive treatment helps to regulate the skin, reduce shine, dry out and diminish spots, tighten pores and repair the skin.

3. Hydrate – naturally!

The final step in your organic anti-blemish routine is hydration. Look for non-toxic, non-polluting products that are completely safe for your skin. The good news is that Absolution skincare products – like all certified-organic creams – are free of parabens, PEGs, phthalates, mineral oils, GMOs and synthetic colorants and fragrances, so you can be sure they’re both safe and effective! After your serum, apply La Crème de Santé – an organic formula that’s ideal for hydrating and regulating your skin. Rich in prebiotics and botanicals, it delivers the ingredients your skin needs to function correctly and glow! As for the evening, begin by gently and thoroughly removing makeup with La Crème Douce Démaquillante, then repeat the same 3-step anti-blemish routine: cleanser + serum + moisturizer.   

A little extra: once or twice a week, treat your skin to a deep purifying mask, with Le Masque Pureté Détoxifiant.

Our natural, anti-blemish routine won’t upset your skin’s natural balance, and should leave it looking clearer, shine-frs boutons tout en respectant son équilibre naturel.